Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The trip's the thing

We are a week and a day away from leaving. I can't believe that it's almost here. We've planned and dreamed of this trip for so long that it's hard comprehend that it is actually going to happen. It's a dream come true. And I can hardly wait.

Someone asked me the other day where we were going. I stopped and thought about it. It's not where we are going. It's the journey along the way. We will end up in Santa Monica, and walk along the pier, but that is not the most important thing. It's what's along the way. It's what gets us to that place that is the important thing. Travelling Route 66 is about the diners and hamburger joints. It's about the old motels, and sleeping in a Wigwam. It's about the blue whale and the round barn. It's about seeing the painted desert and the Grand Canyon. So many sites along the way. Reaching the end is wonderful. Fantastic. Unbelievable. But so many treasures and blessings along the way.

Forgive me while I make a spiritual analogy. At the end of our lives, we get heaven. Wonderful. We get streets of gold. Fantastic. We get eternal life with Jesus. Unbelievable. But along the way... On the journey there is so much to do and see. So much life to live for Christ. Blessings and sorrows. It is the journey that we have right now. We have to take the journey in order to reach the final end. Praise God.

1 comment:

  1. I am soooooo excited for you! I'll be praying you safely there and back again! Thanks for the posts, I am reading and following! Have fun and do it all!!!
