Sparky and Contralto Hit the Road

Friday, October 15, 2010
The day that I was going to upload the pictures of our vow renewal, I went to take the cd out of the case and I broke it. I was so upset. We contacted the wedding chapel and were able to get a replacement cd. The cd came in today and I just had to share these pictures with everyone. This was one of the highlights of our trip. Which picture is your favorite?
Pastor Joel Garcia was our minister who did our vows. He was very personable and did a great job.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The End - Sweet Home Alabama
We are home. We got here about 6:00 on Sunday night. I realized that I had left our story hanging and that I needed to finish up our story and bring you home with us. We left you driving through Colorado. There will be no pictures in this blog. I took a very few pictures while driving through Kansas but none really worthy of posting.
After having left the Browns in Colorado, we were unsure what would be the best route to get home. Any way we went, it would be about an 18 hour drive. We were not keen on doing that in one day so we knew we had at least one more night on the road. We decided to give my sister, the one who lives in Arkansas, a call to see if we could stay with her one night and then drive home from there. She was more than willing for us to come. We spent Friday night in Colorado and then headed down through Kansas toward Arkansas.
For those of you who know anything about football, especially football in the South, you know that not a Saturday goes by without at least one very important game, and usually several critical games on any given Saturday. As we were driving through Kansas, we were listening to the radio, and the announcer said, "It's a beautiful day out there in Central Kansas, and since there is no football to watch, get out there and enjoy the day." What? No football?
Well, in case you didn't know, Sparky and I are Alabama fans, and we had a little ball game going on on Saturday, starting at 2:30. NO WAY were we going to be at my sister's house by 2:30. We were searching and searching the radio to see if we could find the game. SUCCESS: As we were driving through Wichita, we found an ESPN station that was going to cover the game. We still had about 20 minutes to spare before the game started. FAIL: The further we got from Wichita, the worse the station got. About 5 minutes before kickoff, we lost the station completely. Well, we still have an app on the iPhone that gives play by play updates. FAIL: We were in southeast Kansas, not on the interstate, out of Internet coverage. Our oldest daughter was at home so we called her and asked her to text us updates. That worked fine for a while until FAIL: she had a little accident here at home and was not able to text us anymore. (Don't worry. She's fine) It seemed that we were just not going to be able to listen to that game. As it turned out, it was just as well. Not Alabama's finest hour. Maybe God was protecting us.
We spent a pleasant evening and afternoon with my sister and her husband Ed. If you remember, we were there exactly 2 weeks ago for the Arkansas/Alabama game (the one where Sparky almost lost his hat). After we got to the house Ed said, "You know, this is like one of those deals where relatives come to watch a football game and 2 weeks later, they are still here." Ed is a very funny man.
Sunday morning, headed home. It's about a 9 hour drive. We stopped in Memphis for our "Last Supper"... ribs at Corky's (Rendezvous was closed). We played "Sweet Home Alabama" as we crossed the state line into Alabama, and pulled into the driveway a little after 6.
19 days
From driveway to driveway: 6017 miles
Average: 316.68 miles per day
3882 pictures taken
That would be 162 (24 count) rolls of film.
A total of 13 states (not including Alabama): Tennessee; Missouri(3 times); Arkansas (2 times); Kansas (2 times); Oklahoma; Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California; Nevada; Utah; Wyoming, Colorado.
2 National Parks: Petrified Forest - Grand Canyon
National Monument: St. Louis Arch
National Memorial: Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial
Important/Memorable sites: Meteor Crater, Pier at Santa Monica, Great Salt Lake, Pikes Peak, Continental Divide (North and South), the lights of Las Vegas and many many more.
Getting back to "normal" life is somewhat difficult. For three weeks, Sparky and I had been together every minute. Tomorrow he goes back to work. It will be weird not having him around. I will miss him. For three weeks, we also did exactly as we pleased, with no schedule and no real responsibility. We spent today washing laundry, cleaning the car and weeding through the mail. There were meals to be prepared and jobs to be done. I think the most odd thing is that it feels like the world stood still while we were gone and nothing changed. It seems like someone pressed the "pause" button here while we gone. We kept morning forward on vacation while time stood still here. Of course I know that's not what happened but it feels that way.
I've received alot of feedback from many of you about this blog. I am honored and flattered that anyone would read it. I am no writer but maybe my pictures and stories have kept you entertained. Sparky and I feel very blessed that we have been married 25 years and that we were able to take this trip. It's been the trip of a lifetime with my very best friend. So many memories we will never forget. Now back to life as normal.
God is good. All the time. Thanks for listening.
After having left the Browns in Colorado, we were unsure what would be the best route to get home. Any way we went, it would be about an 18 hour drive. We were not keen on doing that in one day so we knew we had at least one more night on the road. We decided to give my sister, the one who lives in Arkansas, a call to see if we could stay with her one night and then drive home from there. She was more than willing for us to come. We spent Friday night in Colorado and then headed down through Kansas toward Arkansas.
For those of you who know anything about football, especially football in the South, you know that not a Saturday goes by without at least one very important game, and usually several critical games on any given Saturday. As we were driving through Kansas, we were listening to the radio, and the announcer said, "It's a beautiful day out there in Central Kansas, and since there is no football to watch, get out there and enjoy the day." What? No football?
Well, in case you didn't know, Sparky and I are Alabama fans, and we had a little ball game going on on Saturday, starting at 2:30. NO WAY were we going to be at my sister's house by 2:30. We were searching and searching the radio to see if we could find the game. SUCCESS: As we were driving through Wichita, we found an ESPN station that was going to cover the game. We still had about 20 minutes to spare before the game started. FAIL: The further we got from Wichita, the worse the station got. About 5 minutes before kickoff, we lost the station completely. Well, we still have an app on the iPhone that gives play by play updates. FAIL: We were in southeast Kansas, not on the interstate, out of Internet coverage. Our oldest daughter was at home so we called her and asked her to text us updates. That worked fine for a while until FAIL: she had a little accident here at home and was not able to text us anymore. (Don't worry. She's fine) It seemed that we were just not going to be able to listen to that game. As it turned out, it was just as well. Not Alabama's finest hour. Maybe God was protecting us.
We spent a pleasant evening and afternoon with my sister and her husband Ed. If you remember, we were there exactly 2 weeks ago for the Arkansas/Alabama game (the one where Sparky almost lost his hat). After we got to the house Ed said, "You know, this is like one of those deals where relatives come to watch a football game and 2 weeks later, they are still here." Ed is a very funny man.
Sunday morning, headed home. It's about a 9 hour drive. We stopped in Memphis for our "Last Supper"... ribs at Corky's (Rendezvous was closed). We played "Sweet Home Alabama" as we crossed the state line into Alabama, and pulled into the driveway a little after 6.
19 days
From driveway to driveway: 6017 miles
Average: 316.68 miles per day
3882 pictures taken
That would be 162 (24 count) rolls of film.
A total of 13 states (not including Alabama): Tennessee; Missouri(3 times); Arkansas (2 times); Kansas (2 times); Oklahoma; Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California; Nevada; Utah; Wyoming, Colorado.
2 National Parks: Petrified Forest - Grand Canyon
National Monument: St. Louis Arch
National Memorial: Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial
Important/Memorable sites: Meteor Crater, Pier at Santa Monica, Great Salt Lake, Pikes Peak, Continental Divide (North and South), the lights of Las Vegas and many many more.
Getting back to "normal" life is somewhat difficult. For three weeks, Sparky and I had been together every minute. Tomorrow he goes back to work. It will be weird not having him around. I will miss him. For three weeks, we also did exactly as we pleased, with no schedule and no real responsibility. We spent today washing laundry, cleaning the car and weeding through the mail. There were meals to be prepared and jobs to be done. I think the most odd thing is that it feels like the world stood still while we were gone and nothing changed. It seems like someone pressed the "pause" button here while we gone. We kept morning forward on vacation while time stood still here. Of course I know that's not what happened but it feels that way.
I've received alot of feedback from many of you about this blog. I am honored and flattered that anyone would read it. I am no writer but maybe my pictures and stories have kept you entertained. Sparky and I feel very blessed that we have been married 25 years and that we were able to take this trip. It's been the trip of a lifetime with my very best friend. So many memories we will never forget. Now back to life as normal.
God is good. All the time. Thanks for listening.
Friday, October 8, 2010
A day with the Browns
We left Cheyenne this morning heading for Colorado Springs. We planned to meet Troy and Dianne Brown, dear friends who used to be in the WBC choir. They moved to Colorado last December and we miss them terribly. Troy and I are both past presidents of the choir so had a "president's reunion".
We planned to spend a couple of hours with them and then hit the road.
As soon as we arrived, Troy asked if we had time to take the train up to Pike's Peak. I'm so ignorant; I kept taking pictures of this beautiful mountain but I had no idea it was Pike's Peak. I didn't realize it was so close to Colorado Springs. We decided quickly that we definitely wanted to do that. We had planned to just have lunch and look around the city but got a wonderful extra blessing and side trip instead. Troy quickly got on the phone and made reservations for us to take the train up to the summit. So we were off. (I am having trouble uploading pictures tonight. I keep getting an error so I did not upload a bunch of pictures of the landscape like I normally do.)

We drive through Denver on the way to Colorado Springs. Oh, did I mention that it was my first time in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Colorado for that matter.

That's the summit, where we are headed.

Sparky and me at the top, by the train.
The ice on this piece of equipment will show you how cold it was.
David and me from the top again. The wind chill was about ~18 degrees. We were not really prepared for that cold.
One of the beautiful lakes.

Kansas and Nebraska, I think.

This was on what was I think the South side of the peak. The wind was blowing so hard, I really felt like it was going to blow me down. The guide told us which states we could see from this side but I don't remember which. From the summit, you should be able to see 4 states besides Colorado.
Choir president reunion. It was COLD and WINDY. Take a look at my hair. That shows you how windy it was.
They look soooo good. What a great picture. Yes, Troy has his 'Andrew' whiskers. He's ready for Easter program.

This is a park that is within the city limits of Colorado Springs. It is free to drive through and the rock formations were incredible.

Kissing camels.

Looks like a postcard.

Notice how thin these rock formations are.
The view of Pike's Peak when leaving Garden of the gods.
We planned to spend a couple of hours with them and then hit the road.
As soon as we arrived, Troy asked if we had time to take the train up to Pike's Peak. I'm so ignorant; I kept taking pictures of this beautiful mountain but I had no idea it was Pike's Peak. I didn't realize it was so close to Colorado Springs. We decided quickly that we definitely wanted to do that. We had planned to just have lunch and look around the city but got a wonderful extra blessing and side trip instead. Troy quickly got on the phone and made reservations for us to take the train up to the summit. So we were off. (I am having trouble uploading pictures tonight. I keep getting an error so I did not upload a bunch of pictures of the landscape like I normally do.)
We drive through Denver on the way to Colorado Springs. Oh, did I mention that it was my first time in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Colorado for that matter.
That's the summit, where we are headed.
Sparky and me at the top, by the train.
Kansas and Nebraska, I think.
This was on what was I think the South side of the peak. The wind was blowing so hard, I really felt like it was going to blow me down. The guide told us which states we could see from this side but I don't remember which. From the summit, you should be able to see 4 states besides Colorado.
This is a park that is within the city limits of Colorado Springs. It is free to drive through and the rock formations were incredible.
Kissing camels.
Looks like a postcard.
Notice how thin these rock formations are.
Today turned out to be quite emotional for me. We planned to see so many sights on this trip. And we've had so many unforgettable experiences. Then, today, to get to go to Pike's Peak with such dear friends, totally unexpectedly, and to once again see such beautiful scenes, it was overwhelming. Having to say goodbye was so hard. I held it together just fine until we got in the car and drove away. Then it was difficult to hold back the tears. I miss them already.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
400 miles across Wyoming - Random Musings...
...for when one travels 400 miles across Wyoming, one has lots of time to muse on random subjects.

This was actually in Parks City, Utah, where we spent the night. It is just outside Salt Lake City. If you look at the picture well, you can see a ski jump. This is the one that was used in the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics.
This sign made Sparky very happy. He actually had been going 80 pretty much all the time, so now he could go even faster. The 'stang really likes to go fast. The sign was actually in Utah yesterday but I forgot to use it. It fits better with today's theme of random thoughts.

We were in the clouds right now. We traveled most of the day at about 7000 feet. A couple of days ago, I found a free iPhone app that will tell you your altitude. I hate to break this to you but Sparky is a bit of a geek. He has been a very happy man to be able to monitor our altitude.

I just thought this was very cool to barely be able to see this windmill in the clouds.
They say that Montana is "Big Sky Country". I don't see how it could be any bigger than in Wyoming. When we were not in the clouds, it was wide open space.
This was actually in Parks City, Utah, where we spent the night. It is just outside Salt Lake City. If you look at the picture well, you can see a ski jump. This is the one that was used in the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics.
On our way out, when travelling Route 66, (Double 6 to the locals) we were meandering and would stop quite often to do random things like that. But now we have a mission. We are kinda ready to be home so no extra stops!
Speaking of the Route, for almost two weeks, I had been looking for Route 66 signs, and all the unique neon signs and attractions that make up Route 66 and taking pictures of that stuff. It is very strange now to not see 66 signs and oddities. I keep looking for them.
We were in the clouds right now. We traveled most of the day at about 7000 feet. A couple of days ago, I found a free iPhone app that will tell you your altitude. I hate to break this to you but Sparky is a bit of a geek. He has been a very happy man to be able to monitor our altitude.
I just thought this was very cool to barely be able to see this windmill in the clouds.
Speaking of not being in the clouds but in the sun, (see what I mean about random musings), all the way out west, Sparky was sitting in the sun most days. He would turn the air colder and colder. I was on the other side of the car in the shade and freezing. Well, what goes around comes around. Now that we are heading east, I'm in the sun and burning up and he's reaching for his jacket.
I just loved this rock sitting right beside the interstate.
So high, you can't go over it. So wide, you can't go around it. So deep, you can't go under it. Ya' gotta go through the door.
For all you American Tail fans out there.
Reminds me of the Painted Desert.
I told you before that Sparky was a geek. Well, he also a weather watcher. He watches storms very carefully. Well, at this time during the day, I was driving and Sparky was watching weather on his iPhone (more on that later). If you look at this picture, you can see three separate storm cells. He could see those cells clearly on the radar on his phone. He could see where these storms were on the map and when they might possibly intersect with us as we traveled closer to them. It actually was about time for a potty break so when we got back in the car, all three cells had crossed the interstate and we were in the clear.
Now, about me driving vs. Sparky driving. Sparky has driven 99% of this trip. I have driven some yesterday and today and that's pretty much it. And it has worked very well for us. You see Sparky is not a very good multi-processor. (I hope it doesn't sound like I'm speaking negatively of him in this blog today. Not intending to be negative, just letting you in some of his special qualities.) He does one thing at a time and does it very well. I, on the other hand, am scatter-brained (in a good way of course). I can do all sorts of things at the same time. While Sparky drives, I am the navigator, weather watcher (Many times I would have an iPhone in each hand. I know, it's a disease), photographer, tour guide (ahead on your left you will see the giant rooster), stewardess, (May I get you a beverage or a snack?) and accountant (how much did we spend on lunch?). It has been a good system and it worked for us. Plus we get there alot faster if Sparky drives. Just ask our girls. :-)
A little bit of Autumn right here in Wyoming.

We passed several trucks that had chains like this hanging off of them. We figured that this was so the truckers could get chains on their tires quickly in case of snow. We actually saw an area where trucks could pull over to do that. (Random)
This car carrier was carrying electric cars called "WheeGo". (I don't make the news, I just report it.) When we were traveling across LA, we saw several charging stations for electric cars.

All along interstate 80, we saw signs like this. If the lights were flashing, the road would be closed and you had to go back another way. Guess it happens alot.
Hey, look, a Christmas tree farm right here on the road.
We saw this sign for "Lincoln Memorial". I took a picture but I didn't really understand.

Sure enough, just up the road, right next to the interstate, there he was. Mr. Lincoln himself, carved in stone. Not exactly like the one in Washington though.

Big tires. Actually, I think we saw these same tires in St. Louis.
What is wrong with this picture? The riders don't have on helmets. The guy actually has on a baseball cap, even if it looks like a helmet. No helmet law in Wyoming. Also in California and Arizona. Probably more states than that but we just couldn't get over it.
We are spending the night in Cheyenne, Wyoming. With a population of 53,000, it is probably one of the smaller state capitals. (That is an uneducated guess. Just seems small to me.) This was a charming place. Many of the sights here reminded me of Route 66. It made me nostalgic for the good old days. I thought I would share some of the "oddities" with you.
We saw these fences all the way across the state. They were short fences and led to nowhere and were connected to nothing. Sparky guessed that they were snow fences to help keep the snow off of the interstate. When we arrived at the hotel, the clerk behind the counter confirmed this for us. They either build these fences or plant rows of trees to act as a snow barrier. Also the clerk at the hotel said that this was probably the warmest October for a long time. He said they had usually had several big snows by now. Praise God. I don't want my 'stang stuck in the snow.
We passed several trucks that had chains like this hanging off of them. We figured that this was so the truckers could get chains on their tires quickly in case of snow. We actually saw an area where trucks could pull over to do that. (Random)
All along interstate 80, we saw signs like this. If the lights were flashing, the road would be closed and you had to go back another way. Guess it happens alot.
Sure enough, just up the road, right next to the interstate, there he was. Mr. Lincoln himself, carved in stone. Not exactly like the one in Washington though.
Big tires. Actually, I think we saw these same tires in St. Louis.
We are spending the night in Cheyenne, Wyoming. With a population of 53,000, it is probably one of the smaller state capitals. (That is an uneducated guess. Just seems small to me.) This was a charming place. Many of the sights here reminded me of Route 66. It made me nostalgic for the good old days. I thought I would share some of the "oddities" with you.
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