We planned to spend a couple of hours with them and then hit the road.
As soon as we arrived, Troy asked if we had time to take the train up to Pike's Peak. I'm so ignorant; I kept taking pictures of this beautiful mountain but I had no idea it was Pike's Peak. I didn't realize it was so close to Colorado Springs. We decided quickly that we definitely wanted to do that. We had planned to just have lunch and look around the city but got a wonderful extra blessing and side trip instead. Troy quickly got on the phone and made reservations for us to take the train up to the summit. So we were off. (I am having trouble uploading pictures tonight. I keep getting an error so I did not upload a bunch of pictures of the landscape like I normally do.)
We drive through Denver on the way to Colorado Springs. Oh, did I mention that it was my first time in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Colorado for that matter.
That's the summit, where we are headed.
Sparky and me at the top, by the train.
Kansas and Nebraska, I think.
This was on what was I think the South side of the peak. The wind was blowing so hard, I really felt like it was going to blow me down. The guide told us which states we could see from this side but I don't remember which. From the summit, you should be able to see 4 states besides Colorado.
This is a park that is within the city limits of Colorado Springs. It is free to drive through and the rock formations were incredible.
Kissing camels.
Looks like a postcard.
Notice how thin these rock formations are.
Today turned out to be quite emotional for me. We planned to see so many sights on this trip. And we've had so many unforgettable experiences. Then, today, to get to go to Pike's Peak with such dear friends, totally unexpectedly, and to once again see such beautiful scenes, it was overwhelming. Having to say goodbye was so hard. I held it together just fine until we got in the car and drove away. Then it was difficult to hold back the tears. I miss them already.
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