Saturday, October 2, 2010

Praising Arizona

This morning (September 30) started off in Grants, NM. We didn't really have as far to travel today as we have on some days. It was an absolutely beautiful day so TOP DOWN.

I had issues with facebook last night. Every time I tried to post or to even leave a comment, I was told that it was being blocked for either being offensive or spammy. I finally was able to get a message in on my phone but could not add the blog to my fb. Or pictures. Every time I tried to upload pictures I got the same "message failed" not from fb. Oh Well.

We were able to stay on the Mother Road pretty much all morning. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. I forgot to put sunscreen on the back of my neck so Sparky says I am a redneck. I'll feel it tomorrow.

The sights to see today were spectacular. The scenery was unbelievable. We were at an altitude of about 6500 feet. Sparky comment that if we were at that altitude, wonder what the altitude is on top of this hill.

Not too long into the morning, we came to the Continental Divide. elevation 7245 ft. I guess I was a little underwhelmed. I expected a bigger sign or marker or something.

I've got one foot in the east and one in the west. Sparky is just taking it easy.

Let's go!

Guess what? We got on I-40.

A couple of really cool rock formations.

Ok, sing the song with me.

After I took this picture I realized that it was a masque. It shocked me that there was a masque in Gallup, NM. Sparky said that if they are coming over the Mexican border as much as has been reported, it is not surprising.

A famous Route 66 landmark.
While we are having a blast driving down Route 66, there is one bad thing about it. You can be tooling down the road having the time of your life and suddenly, you will come up to a sign that says "road closed ahead". You get no warning. You have no choice but to turn back and go back to where you came from so you can take another road. It's happened to us more than once. It happened to us today. Had to back track probably about 5 miles. It's ok though. It's all part of the journey.

WOO HOO! Welcome to Arizona!

We visited the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. They are combined into one National Park.

Amazing scenes.

For my Lacey.

Petroglyphs in the Petrified forest. I have so many great pictures of these.

The Tepees.

The Blue Mesa

Inside a petrified log. It looks like you could pick up a splinter on the bark but it is solid rock. Smooth and hard...

Our final destination for the day was Holbrook, AZ. We slept in a wigwam. Very cool.


1 comment:

  1. More amazing photos! It really looks like y'all are having a blast!
